Strength and Dignity

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Verse 2.

Proverbs 31:25 “She is clothed with strength and dignity, she can laugh at the days to come.”


This verse hit me in the gut when I read it. Especially the second part.

…She can laugh at the days to come.

It stares at me, encouraging me to do the same. To throw off all sense of worry and dread for the future, and just look at what’s to come with lightheartedness. To really on what I know to be true, that the Lord holds our lives in His hands. He know what is to come. He knows what will come of my life.

So for today, I will strive to live by this verse. My goal is, that when I die, my family will say that this is how I lived my life. That I carried myself, day to day, with strength and dignity, and I was able to, most importantly, laugh at what was to come.

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