
posted in: Faith, Life, The Word, Work | 0

We’ve all got them. For some of us of our aspirations rule our lives, while for others of us, aspirations are just a little blip that enter into our thought processes when we least expect it. We entertain it for a bit and then just let it go.

I’m probably neither of those.

I always think of what I want to be doing – but instead of letting the realization that I’m not doing what I want to be doing get me down, I start to do one of those things.

This morning I had the realization that I don’t know much Scripture except that which I learned when I was a child. Good ‘ole King James Version Bible Verses. I also have this aspiration of drawing something daily and bettering my typography skills.

Then an idea hit. I love those.

I want to memorize more scripture, so why not draw the piece of Scripture I want to learn in one week and share it on this here blog? That way, I’m learning Scripture like a want to, but I’m also forcing myself to post what I draw. Which is incredibly terrifying at times, even if it only is my sisters reading this blog.

So, that’s what I’m going to do. For now, it will be once a week. Perhaps later it will be twice or three times.

I’m also posting the first thing that I draw – however horrible it may be. My goal is to be able to make anything work with my artwork, and I want to get speedy at writing beautifully.

So here’s to quickly drawn Bible verses on a weekly basis – with that hope that they will turn into a beautiful feature of this blog. That may take some time so hang in there!

Verse 1 : Psalm 9:1 (ESV)



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