On Goal Setting & Keeping

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On Goal Setting and Keeping

I had a bit of a meltdown yesterday.

It’s not something I’m proud of, but it happens.

I blame it on this lifestyle I live. As you can see a few weeks ago I posted my daily schedule. It’s a bit of a crazy one – full of things to do and people to see.

I love it. I really do. I’m so grateful for this crazy busy life I share with my husband. That being said – I’m only human. I think that the price for living this lifestyle that I lead is that I will have days like yesterday.

Days where I am exhausted, emotional, spent, feeling overused and under appreciated, the list can go on and on. Yesterday was one of those days and it sucked.

We have financial goals set up – and part of why I work as much as I do is to help us meet those goals as soon as possible. Sometimes I feel overwhelmed by the fact that those goals seem SO.FAR.AWAY.

So I did what any normal girl would do and called my older sister. I cried, she did most of the talking ( she gets that from my dad) and she ended up spilling this little golden nugget.

I am only human. The price for living the go go go life that I have is that every once in a while I will experience moments of utter exhaustion and feelings of hopelessness. Just remember, they’re just moments!

The good news is, it doesn’t last! I state of mind such as I had yesterday doesn’t have to last for more than a moment!

I had a good cry, then a good laugh or two with my sister. My husband was incredibly supportive (he’s a gem). I got home and did my workout. After that I was on the upswing.

I sat down and tackled the 20 unread emails in my inbox that were haunting me – and by the time I stopped to make/eat dinner and get back at it after kitchen clean up- I had 3 emails left in my inbox. Total win! Felt GREAT!

So let my experience yesterday be a bit of hope to you. First of all, you are NOT alone! So many creatives go through moments of doubt, fear, stress and anxiety. The beauty of this life thing is that you aren’t alone! Reach out to someone you love or know will want to listen and just talk it out. It’s amazing how sharing your fears and and anxieties weakens them a bit. Gain perspective from those around you, listen to reason, and just get back to work! You’ll feel so much better knowing that you have people around you praying for your success just as much as you are!

Keep your eye on that goal you’re working toward and don’t look back! You’ll be so glad in the end that you continued on.

Best of luck on the goals you are working toward today – I’m rooting for you all the way!

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