23 weeks of pregnancy

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At 23 weeks, left photo above brought to you from my end of the month check up.

Loving: My lilttle guy keeps on moving! I LOVE IT! I tried 5 times on Friday at work to get video of him and my belly moving but every time I would pull out the camera he would stop! Little bugger.

Hating: My appetite has really been coming and going. I have no idea why. One night I couldn’t eat my dinner or my lunch the next day, no fun!

Weight Gain: (from beginning of pregnancy) 23 pounds.

News: I’m almost ready to start on the nursery. It’s like a halfway zone right now. Random things I need to sell or toss or relocate. I’ve got my idea for the paint color, so I may go pick that up this week.

I saw the doctor this week for my end of the month check up and he told me I don’t need to gain anymore weight this pregnancy. My blood pressure has been steadily increasing since I got pregnancy so he put me on a diet! I essentially have a month to get my blood pressure down by the time I take my blood sugar test next month. No pressure! That has me worried, especially because I feel that I haven’t been all that bad! Regardless, I will cut the carbs and try to walk everyday. He told me to go to the mall without my wallet and just walk. My husband liked that suggestion. 🙂

This week, the baby was moving like crazy on Wednesday. Sam came home from youth group and I told him to come see (because now you can see my belly move when the baby kicks). Robb said he should feel it, so Sam put his hand on my belly. About 30 seconds later the baby gave a great big kick and Sammy jumped up and ran away. He thought it was so weird! Ya bud, imagine what it feels like when it’s happening inside your belly!

my Dr. scheduled a second sonogram this month to get clearer images of the baby’s organs. I was nervous that something was wrong but the doctor assured me he just wanted him to be bigger so he could clearly see how his organs were doing. The sonographer confirmed my baby is a boy. At one point it was an underneath view where you could see his legs as if he were on his knees and his genitals. As soon as the sonographer turned the screen so I could see, the baby moved his hands over his goodies. So funny! I’m just glad he’s modest, Robb said that’s what all boys do, keep their hands down there. Ew.

Sure enough my boy was showing signs of non cooperation, as I had to turn from left to right about 20 times just so the sonographer could get a clear photo of his kidneys.

Let the non-cooperation begin!

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