29 weeks of pregnancy

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At 29 weeks, I’m praying that it’s smooth sailing from here with this little guy.

Loving: There is quite a bit to love about pregnancy. I’m realizing now that I probably lose about 1 to 2 strands of hair every time I wash it. I kid you not! I used to lose chunks at a time, due to the fact that I never brush it and wash it once ever 3-4 days. I still do that but thanks to my third trimester – my hair is still in tact! LOVE IT! I know after the baby comes it will make up for lost time but I’m trying to ignore that fact and enjoy the now!

Hating: Look how swollen my feet are! Not a good look for me.

Weight Gain: (from beginning of pregnancy) 26 pounds. If I can keep it under 30 it will be a miracle.

News: This weather is nothing but wacky. 65 degrees in December? No gracias. Although it does make the fact that I am still wearing flipflops a little less ridiculous. It is way too hard to get boots on – what a workout!

Had my prenatal appointment this week. It’s generally at the end of the month but needed to be rescheduled. I also had to take my glucose test, so my sweet husband came with me for the appointment. We were set to hear the results from my sonogram last week.

Great news all around:

My blood pressure went down significantly, I have really been watching what I eat since my last appointment and it paid off! My doctor didn’t give me too much praise though. He wants me to remember that it’s the holiday season and I have to be careful! I don’t need to gain any more weight –  my baby will be very healthy if I don’t gain another pound.

The results of my sonogram indicated that my placenta moved up 2 centimeters. I don’t have placenta previa! Thank God! Meaning, I can carry the baby to term, go into natural labor and don’t have to have a C-section. I am over the moon about this news!!

I just called my doctor to get the results of my glucose test. I was very nervous about this test since my blood pressure has been on the steady incline this pregnancy. Failing score is 140. If you fail, it means you have gestational diabetes and are at risk for diabetes later in life. I’ve been pleading with the Lord to let me pass. Since there’s no diabetes in my family, I should be fine. But I was still nervous! Turns out I scored 108. one-oh-eight people! That’s a great score! Ugh I’m sohappy. Thank you genes of mine for not failing me!

The baby is supposed to weigh around 2 to 2.5 pounds right now. At the time of the sonogram he weighed 3 pounds, 3 ounces! Dr said he is going to be a linebacker 🙂 Well, his papa was a defensive end in college so it does make sense! This boy is going to be BIG.

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